Thursday, March 24, 2011

Database Project - FileMaker Pro

When I first opened up the instructions for the database project, I felt overwhelmed. Partially because I had never worked with a database program before, and the other part because I own a Mac. Not only was I expected to complete a project after watching a few hours of video that explained and taught databases, but on a program different from the one used in the lesson. Needless to say, this was a daunting task. The lectures all were based with examples from Microsoft Access 2007. I am thankful that the instructors uploaded a Mac-friendly option for this semester's database project. However, trying to build up the confidence to tackle transferring the skills we learned in lecture to FileMaker Pro was a learning experience.

The database project instructions clearly led me through each step of the project. Yet, the places where I stumbled were where I learned the most! For example, when uploading my data from the members.csv file on the website, I kept getting errors and incorrect uploads. Originally, when I downloaded the file from Sakai, my computer converted the file into a .xls. When I opened the file in Excel, Excel removed the quotes from the first entry of data, the last names, and place all of the data in one column. Therefore, when uploading it into FileMaker Pro, the data was all entered into one field! After hours of troubleshooting, I finally decided to try opening the file in Text Edit and saving it as a .csv. That was exactly what I needed to do in the first place and after saving the file as members.csv in Text Edit, FileMaker Pro was able to upload the data into multiple field successfully.

After working with FileMaker Pro and learning about Access 2007, I have a suggestion for improving database software. Database software could be more user-friendly if it adds better builders for criteria. In the Query lecture, the professor ran into a problem with adding criteria to a field and getting the correct output. He even gave examples of applying multiple criteria. In one specific instance, the professor wised to have the query only return results where the Contact Names in the UK that begin with the letter "H" are returned. Under design view, the professor wanted to add a criteria to the Contact Name field. He taught us how to use the expression builder. This is found under the Design tab in the Query Setup group of the ribbon. The built-in functions need to be easier to understand. One simple solution is to add a description of what that function will result in, that way a user who is not familiar with the technical jargon may be able to use a criteria correctly. The professor tried to use the built in function "Left." It did not work and the students are left wondering what would have worked and instances in which "Left" is actually used. The professor returns to the expression builder and after spending a few minutes searching for an appropriate criteria, just states that the student can play around with many different criteria options. Having easy to understand default builders would ease the usability of Microsoft Access 2007 of FileMaker Pro.

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