Thursday, February 17, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness

A link to my ISM 3004 presentation project for Breast Cancer awareness for the Susan G. Komen Foundation can be found here.

I was able to grasp the viewer's attention in the first 30-60 seconds by opening with the story of how the Susan G. Komen Foundation began. Also, rather than using text to tell the story, I displayed a quote on the importance of promises from a poem by Robert Frost. This was a poem I studied in high school, and when I read the story about the promise Nancy made to her sister, Suzy, it immediately came to mind. The quote represents the mindset of Nancy as she works hard to fulfill the promise she made. This is one of the ways that I "said it then showed it" rather than just reading the slide to the viewer. Further, to gain reader interest and spark curiosity I asked, "So why should you give?" Asking this helped me provide a rationale for the need to support the Susan G. Komen Foundation to find a cure for breast cancer. Also, including the YouTube video from the Susan G. Komen YouTube channel further supported ways that viewers can raise money and spread breast cancer awareness. Using sequential flow to my presentation allows me to answer viewer's questions as they would come to mind.

I am most proud of my design and the way it appears and aides the readability of my presentation. I am glad I was able to find great, free images to use in my presentation. Having a trademark color to represent the cause gave me a great color scheme to design from - PINK! In the end, I was pleased with my design and the way each slide flowed to the next. My design increased readability while reducing clutter on the slides of my presentation. I am glad that I chose to display only a few words on each slide at a time. These design elements helped clarify my message - to raise breast cancer awareness and solicit donations for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Overall, I did not struggle with finding information to present. I did, however, feel limited with what I could include in my presentation based on what images I could find to accompany my slides without violating any copyright laws. It took hours to find the few pink images that I could find, and even then I had to discover a way to include the photographer's name in my presentation. If I were to go back and make any changes or improvements, I would probably add more information on the cause and science of breast cancer, rather than just giving facts. I used statistics about breast cancer to raise awareness and showed only the numbers while explaining the meaning of the numbers appearing on the screen.

By critiquing my peer's presentation on the American Heart Association, I am more comfortable with my presentation and the changes that I made as I prepared. My goal was to be concise and keep my slides readable and I am satisfied with the way my presentation appears and flows. I was impressed with the amount of detail in both my own and my peer's presentations.

This project has allowed me to learn more about presentation skills and helped me improve on communication. Having to redo the recording of my presentation until I was satisfied made me realize that practice before presentations is vital. In the real world, I will not be able to hit stop recording, delete, and start over. The presentation that comes out of my mouth if I am at a business meeting is the one the counts. The planning process for this project helped me organize my thoughts early on and begin planning my presentation. With a plan written out, the subsequent steps of putting my presentation together seemed to flow better. From this, I learned the a storyboard will aid in preparing for any future business presentations. The extra practice in PowerPoint was also helpful. Any extra, practical use of Microsoft Office is helpful during my education, which is why I enjoy this class. Additionally, I experimented with Camtasia:Mac for the first time and learned how to operate on its interface. I always learn new information to take away from each assignment - beyond hitting submit. Each assignment, including this one, builds my skills and experiences to make me a bigger asset to my future employer.

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